China Student Recruitment Tour

Spring Tour: April 8 – 19, 2019

Harbin, China
Dalian, China
Shenyang, China
Tianjin, China
Changsha, China

Registration closes
March 8, 2019

Sunrise International The USEG-Sunrise Tour is a carefully planned program directed at colleges and universities in the United States wishing to build long-lasting connections with Chinese high school students by coming to China and visiting their schools directly.

Student engagement is the best way to reach Chinese students and build long-term connections with overseas high schools. During the tour, university representatives receive the opportunity to engage with thousands of students from various areas in China. We incorporate a variety of events into our tours to ensure maximum engagement, including school visits, partner meetups, and private expos. Our events are interactive, engaging and fun—for both students and university reps.

Sunrise International is a social enterprise dedicated to reforming global education through building English-language extracurricular programs abroad. Sunrise hosts over 200 events globally each year and has engaged over 120,000 high school and university students through workshops, events, and training programs.

For registration, please visit:

What happens on a USEG-Sunrise Tour?

Full Tour Participation Fee: $11,200
China Hotels (11 nights): $1,985
China Domestic Transportation: $858
If, for any reason, you cannot join the full tour and you still want to participate, please contact us directly.

USEG makes all hotel reservations in first-class hotels, all of which have the necessary business amenities. Tour cost is not inclusive of airfare or hotel.
All invoices for tour participation must be paid prior to leaving the United States.

For U.S. passport holders, visas are required for China. Attendees needing assistance with the visa application can contact USEG for the details.

Our in-house team of designers and editors will collaborate to represent your institution, ensuring that design and branding complement one another, to guarantee that the content is meaningful and attractive for interested students and parents.

Expanding your institution into China does not need to be difficult. We assist our clients in building a respectable presence in the Chinese market by offering a variety of services:

  • A landing page with a local Chinese server and domain
  • Mandarin brochures development
  • Mandarin targeted flyers design
  • Social Media Management (WeChat or Weibo)
  • Post-Tour Follow-Up Package

Harbin, China

Harbin, China

April 8 – 10

Tianjin, China

Tianjin, China

April 15 – 17

Dalian, China

Dalian, China

April 10 – 13

Changsha, China

Changsha, China

April 17 – 19

Shenyang, China

Shenyang, China

April 13 – 15