Al-Jamiat University Profiles
Al-Jamiat runs an annual marketing campaign for US universities year long.
- A profile for your university on the Al Jamiat site, including the opportunity to have blog articles included on Al Jamiat social media and website.
- through school counselors, agents, social media, our digital media partners, future tours, and USEG student database.
- Students will be encouraged to visit the website to learn more about study overseas and will be able to register their interest in hearing more from your office as students explore their future study options.
- Members can expect an average of 150 leads (virtual interest cards) throughout the year.
- Cost is $800 for first-time participants or $400 for former Fast Track university partners.

Al-Jamiat Promotion Campaigns
Al-Jamiat organizes webinars for accredited US universities in the coming months so that you can continue to recruit and engage students in MENA despite school closures and travel disruptions.
Featured Blog Post
- Customizable blog posts in the “Student Resources” section between 400 – 800 words that will involve publishing an article about the university. Can be generic introduction or promoting special feature (arts program, English language center, dorms, etc.)
- Post will link to university website, and be posted on Al Jamiat’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
- Post will be featured at top of the blog for one month.
- Creative required – Cover image, Facebook/Instagram image and blog post copy.
- Cost is $800.

Featured University Profile and Large Banner Image (6 Months)
Size: 1,060 x 400 pixels
Standard File Formats: .gif, .jpg
- On university profile page of website, rotates with other ads, has more space for creative and text.
- Banner and profile will also be featured once on Facebook and Instagram linking to website.
- University profile will be featured at the top of the university profiles list.
- Creative required – 2 images (Large banner, Facebook/Instagram post).
- Cost is $1,400 (in addition to annual profile renewal).